We all lie to ourselves. Yes, even YOU. If it feels better, you may refer to it as “blind spots”, “denial”, or “excuses”, but at the end of the day, they are still lies. I have yet to meet a person who has reached the embodiment of self-awareness to the extent that they have perfect daily habits with no room for improvement. Have you?
As a Life Coach who has also battled addictions in my personal life, I have heard every excuse imaginable (including the ones I used to tell myself) to justify self-destructive behaviors.
How did I decide to become a Transformational Life Coach? Long story short is that I made many mistakes in life! I found my way out of each of them on my own after many years of failures, self-help, personal development books, and courses… the hard way! I never reached out for help, and I regret that because I wasted a lot of years struggling to figure it all out myself. I was stubborn.
So, I decided to become a guide for people who are possibly going through similar struggles that I experienced. Divorce, being a single-parent, career path challenges, battles with addiction (food, alcohol, relationships), self-worth, and even health issues.
A few years ago, I left my toxic relationship with alcohol. It wasn’t an easy decision because we had a lot of fun times together over the years. In fact, alcohol had been there for me through the ups and downs for 3 decades of my life. It was at every event, every party, every dinner, eventually lunches and even the occasional breakfast!